Scott Chadwick
3rd Album
CD Info

1. I Ain’t Got No Home Woody Guthrie 1940
A song covered by so many over the years, from Bob Dylan to Bruce Springsteen.
As is with many of these songs, these lyrics seem timely even now.
2. This Land Is Your Land Woody Guthrie 1940
One of the most well known American folk songs it was listed at No. 229 on Rolling Stone's "Top 500 Greatest Songs of All Time”!

3. Where Have All The Flowers Gone? Pete Seeger 1961 Probably the most familiar song to many in Japan, where I reside, this song has been covered by countless artists in both the U.S. and in more than 30 other languages.
4. To My Old Brown Earth Pete Seeger 1964
This is originally a song for unaccompanied vocal written to sing for funerals, since Pete Seeger “felt dissatisfied at not being able to find exactly the right song to express the situation.”. ( from notes in THE BELLS OF RHYMNEY and Other Songs and Stories from the Singing of Pete Seeger

5. Over The Hills Ancient Irish Air with words by Pete Seeger
Another Seeger composition originally for unaccompanied vocal. Something about this old Irish melody caught my attention and seemed to fit on the mandolin.
6. We Shall Overcome
1901 hymn composition by Rev. Charles Tindley, New words by Zilphia Horton, Frank Hamilton, Guy Caravan and Pete Seeger 1960
Another timeless classic I knew this first as a hymn from my childhood and only later later realized it’s resonance and importance in the civil rights movement.

7. Turn, Turn, Turn Pete Seeger 1962
I probably remember this first as preformed by The Byrds on their album also titled, “Turn, Turn, Turn” Some twenty years later I learned that it was a Pete Seeger composition.
8, Irene, Goodnight Huddie William” Leadbelly“ Ledbetter 1933
This song derives from a nineteenth century song of which Leadbelly recorded his version in 1933. It has been covered by many artists and was a #1 hit for the Weavers in 1950, six months after Leadbelly died.

9. Where Have All the Flowers Gone(reprise)
10. There Are Mean Things Happening In This Land
Sidney Robertson Cowell and Charles Seeger 1937
As with many of these songs, this appears to be derived from quite a few other songs with similar names and lyrics. This version is based on a late 50s rendition by Pete Seeger. Again, the lyrics somehow still seem to be timely.
11. To My Old Brown Earth(Reprise)
12. Irene, Goodnight(Reprise)

Scott Chadwick- Vocal, Trumpet, Mandolin
David Berkman- Piano
Produced by Scott Chadwick.
Musical Arrangements by Scott Chadwick and David Berkman.
Recording ,Mixing and Mastering by Kei Morishita (Four-Kay Music)
Design and Art Direction by Yasutoshi Okkotsu.
Recorded July 16th at 100 Ban Hall, Kobe, Japan.
©︎Off The Records OTR 003