Scott Chadwick
2nd Album
CD Info

1.Blue Railroad Train
Scott-Guitar, Mandolin and vocals Yoshihiro-Low Tuned Nechville Banjo Chris-Upright Bass
This wonderful Delmore Brothers song has been my favorite since I started listening to bluegrass. Of course, the version of Tony Rice's legendary album "Manzanita" remains in my ears forever. I was conscious of the bluesy sound, remembering the feeling that my old friend "Joel Mabus" was playing "Columbus Stokede Blues".
2. Everything Happens To Me
Scott- Guitar and vocals Yoshihiro- Baldwin Ode Style D Banjo, Mandolin Chris- Upright Bass
My mother often said that bluegrass music makes sad subjects sound happy. It definitely works with this sad jazz standard. Chris's bass is exquisite swing and bounce, and Arita's accompaniment is beautiful. The lyrics are depressing and dark, but they make me smile every time I listen to them.

3. One Day I Walk
Scott-Mandolin and Vocals Yoshihiro- Henderson OM-42 Guitar Chris-Upright Bass
I've been fascinated by his music and performance since my friend TJ introduced me to "Bruce Cockburn". (Thanks to TJ!) I'm not very good at finger style guitars, and until then I only listened to them, but one day I played the intro on a mandolin and thought I could do it! I remember hearing this song first probably in the "New Grass Revival" version. Arita-san's Henderson OM-42 shines with this song!
4. I Wish You Knew
Scott-Guitar, Mandolin and Vocals Yoshihiro- Nechville Vintage Banjo Chris-Upright Bass
I've been a big fan of The Louvin Brothers since I was working for Elderly Instruments in the 80's. Mr. Arita generously showed off his banjo skills, and it was a lot of fun to play this song.
Five. Last In Love
Scott-Guitar and Vocals Yoshihiro- Lead Guitar (Henderson OM-42) Chris-Upright Bass
It's a wonderful song from my favorite "JD Souther" for a long time. Make Arita cry with her beautiful guitar! Chris's bass is perfect not only for this song, but for all the songs on the album! By the way, I used Kaiser Cut Capo for my rhythm guitar part.
6. Paradise
Scott-Guitar, Mandolin and Vocals Yoshihiro- Dobro and Vocals Chris-Upright Bass
He lost a great composer and legendary storyteller "John Prine" in 2020, but he left us a lot of rich music. I think this was the first song I learned. It's a song written in 1971, but it feels timely even now that we on earth have to think more seriously about living in harmony with nature.

7. East Meadow
Scott-Mandolin Yoshihiro-McPherson MG-4.0 XPW Guitar Chris- Tune Six-String Bass
My friend and wonderful pianist / composer "Jonathan Katz" listened to a song made with his hometown in mind and overlapped with my hometown, and a very nostalgic melody stuck in my heart. And from the first time I heard Jonathan's solo piano, I started to want to play this song on a mandolin someday. Again, Chris's bass feel is perfect and matches Arita's metal pick 3-finger guitar performance to create a beautiful sound. The McPherson guitar I played in this song is also great!
8. Peabody's Coltrane
Scott- Guitar Melody and Mandolin Yoshihiro-Baldwin Ode Style D Banjo and Gibson L-5 Guitar Chris- Tune Six-String Bass
I once heard that Mr. Arita played "John Coltrane"'s "Giant Steps" in a banjo at Berkeley. I came up with the idea of making that song a fiddle tune, and it became such a song. Chris's bass derives a swing at just the right moment, and then Arita rides on it and rhythms comfortably with the 1930 L-5. And again, Arita-san's banjo solo was so wonderful that it seemed to be legendary. The song title was provided by Chris!
9. Last Train To Clarksville
Scott-Guitar, Mandolin and Vocals Yoshihiro-Low Tuned Nechville Vintage Banjo Chris- Tune Six String Bass
When I was a kid, I loved "The Monkees" and this song is one of my favorites from their numbers. I was thinking of arranging it with the image of the opening riff of a banjo, but the idea of lowering the tuning of Mr. Arita made it even cooler. This album was recorded in August 2021, but I noticed that two of the recorded songs have anti-war content, and this is one of them. Unfortunately, the release in this world situation in 2022 has become timely.
10. Monk's Mood
Scott-Mandolin Yoshihiro Martin D-18 Guitar Chris- Tune Six-String Bass
One day, I was watching the transcliption of the performance of "Thelonious Monk", and when I tried playing it with a mandrine, it came to mysteriously. When I was practicing this song, my wife seemed so dissonant that she asked, "Does that sound match?" Smile Fortunately, after listening a few times, she started humming too!

11. Last Letter Home
Scott-Guitar, Mandolin and Vocals Yoshihiro- Saga Open Back Banjo. Chris- Music Man Saber Bass
Originally a song by "The Amazing Rhythm Aces", this is another anti-war song and the last song recorded for this album. I wanted to play this song, but I gave it up because it was on an album called "Late As Usual" that I thought "Sam Bush" had recently released. But when I took a closer look at the album, I found out that it was made nearly 40 years ago, and I wondered if that was okay! I love both versions, but I thought of this as a hybrid version. You may have it. I asked you to think that Claw Hammer Ban Joe would match. And listening to Arita-san's claw hammer on a CD is pretty rare! These lyrics are from the American Civil War. I feel that the fact that leaders send young people to the battlefield and sacrifice them without knowing their meaning or purpose is the same as it used to be.
Scott Chadwick- Guitar, Mandolin, Vocals
Yoshihiro Arita 有田純弘- Banjos, Guitars, Mandolins, Dobro, Vocals, Kitchen Sink
Chris Silverstein- Upright and Electric Basses
Yuki Mizutani 水谷勇紀- Recording, Mixing and Mastering
Design and Art Direction by Yasutoshi Okkotsu
Recorded at Submarine Studio in Shibuya, Japan August~December 2021
©︎Off The Records OTR 0002